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Tag search results for: "moldavite jewelry"
Sophie Cruz
The stunning green Moldavite has a varied history and a distinctive formation. Moldavite is a member of the tektite family of glass gemstones, which are created as a result of meteorite impacts. A mossy look and bubbles and swirls can be noticed in the Moldavite gemstone. It appears that the gemstone is both transparent and translucent. Moldavite stands for protection, fortune, and metamorphosis. The stone is referred regarded as the holy grail stone and has incredibly high vibrations. You would undergo a wonderful metamorphosis ... more
Sophie Cruz May 16 '23 · Tags: moldavite jewelry
Moldavite- Empower the inner self with the powerful vibration energy of the forest green color Moldavite jewelry. It's also famous as the Stone of Transformation due to its superb quality to eradicate negative energy with positive ones. Move on from past traumatic memories by wearing a lovely Moldavite Ring.
Moldavite Jewelry is a natural glass mineral formed due to a meteorite impact 15 million years ago in the regions of the Czech Republic. So sometimes, the stone is called the stone from Stars and planets. The crystal comes in many shades of green, olive green, and bluish-green with an Isotropic structure. The Moldavite stone is known as "the stone of transformation, that transfers positive and natural energies to its users. It has a powerful energy to strengthen your inner capabilities and spiritual awakening. However, it is not a tr... more